Do Now

FRIYAY!! Best day of the week!

Do Now 9/23: Mandala

Please complete the following tutorial - POST to your Google Assignment by the end of class on Monday 9/26



Do Now: Selection, Patterns, Gradients
Watch the following short videos about the different tools in Adobe Illustrator. Use these tools to complete this assignment (MINOR GRADE)


About this Assignment - Click here

U2.1 - select tool & direct select tool

U2.2 - patterns

U2.3 - gradients


  1. Create a representational design (should look like something recognizable)
  2. Open Adobe Illustrator
  3. File > NEW
  4. US Letter > Portrait (Vertical) page
  5. Save: FirstName_SelectPatternGradient
  6. Create your Alien invasion cityscape using the tools you learned about watching the tutorials above
  7. Read requirements below
  8. Save (Ctrl + S) frequently
  9. When complete, EXPORT > JPEG (Click USE ARTBOARDS)
  10. Post to the google classroom assignment
  11. Due at end of block TODAY

Want to earn an A+?

  • Demonstrate proficiency in modifying shapes using the direct select tool.
  • This means that ALL (or nearly all) the shapes will be modified.
  • Fill with a wide variety of different patterns and gradients.
  • Demonstrate a wide variety of stroke colors and thicknesses.
  • Demonstrate plenty of overlapping.


Wednesday! (9/14)

On regular paper, please write the following VOCAB words. When complete, take a photo of your paper and post in your Google Classroom Assignment for a MINOR GRADE.

When complete, we are going to learn some more tools in Adobe Illustrator. Go to the MINOR tab and begin ASSIGNMENT #2

VOCAB - Graphic Design Terms:

Bleed – Allowing a graphic or some other element to extend beyond the actual margin of the page. The element touches the side of the page, leaving no margin or white space at the edge.

Complementary colors

Complementary colors – The colors that are opposite of each other when viewed on the color wheel.

Grid – An important concept in graphic design, grids are often used in layouts for both web and print projects. Grids help graphic designers arrange text and images on the page in a way that will look even, attractive and consistent throughout. Grids can be used on paper or can be set up in graphic design software, such as Photoshop.

Mockup – The original design or idea created and either displayed on the screen (for instance, if you are a graphic designer specializing in web design and you want to show your client your ideas before you begin to code you might create a mockup in Photoshop and then show the client the mockup as a .jpg or PDF) or in a printed format (for example, a printed copy of the layout for a magazine or brochure spread for printer’s and clients to view before the actual product is produced). Mockups allow the client to see what the final product should look like.

Raster images – These images are created using thousands of pixels. They are not easily resized as are Vector images; enlarging a raster image too much will diminish quality. Photographs are an example of a raster image.

Resolution – Number of dots per inch, or dpi, in an image. Images for the web are usually be around 72 dpi, or a low resolution, while images for print should be around 300 dpi, or a higher resolution.
Anchor Point - Anchor points allow the user to manipulate a path’s shape or direction by clicking the point and moving it in a direction. They appear along the beginning of a path, at every curve, and at the end of a path. You can also add or subtract anchor points on a path.

Bad Break - Refers to widows or orphans in text copy; any break that causes awkward reading.

Border - The decorative design or edge of a surface, line, or area that forms it’s outer boundary.

Four-Color Process -  A printing technique that creates colors by combining, cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.

Margins - Guidelines in a page layout software that shows a user the body copy areas. It also allows the user to indicate the dimensions. Margins are not supposed to be printed.

Tuesday! (9/13) So much closer to Friday than Monday

Watch and complete the following 6 tutorials (Click on Links)

Happy Monday!!! (Sept 12th)

Today you will complete the DO NOW on the board.

  1. Grab a piece of copy paper from my desk
  2. Start thinking about yourself as a CARTOON
  3. Draw some quick sketches - nothing fancy - keep it simple
  4. Take photo and upload to Google Assignment today
  5. I will stop you in about 15 mins and then we will start learning about Adobe Illustrator

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