MAJOR Assignments

Major Assignment #4: TWINNING!

What would it look like if you "twinned" with another person in your class?


  1. Take a photo of someone in your class and take one of you.
  2. Pose for the photos with the white or simple background, match the pose, face straight forward, like you are taking a passport photo.
  3. Use your layering skills to morph yourself and another person.
  4. Now the idea is complete believably (as opposed to coneheads).

    1. Download portraits of you and your classmate
    2. Crop them to 3" wide x 4" high - 200ppi
    3. Use your Photoshop skills - layers, erasing on layers, color correction
    4. Give your new creepy twin a combo-celebrity name like Brangelina, Kimye, Bennifer
    5. Save each photo as a JPEG
    6. Open the 3 JPEGS and combine them into ONE Photoshop file (You + Classmate = Creepy Twin) 
      1. Use alignment/distribution tool to line up and space images
    7. You will be graded on smoothness, believability, creativity, neatness, use of tools in Photoshop
    8. Upload your original photos of yourself and classmate and your final images to your Google Classroom Assignment
    9. Tell me about who you took a photo of and about your new creation (minimum 3-5 sentences) as a google doc and upload to your Google Assignment
    10. Upload your final JPEG and PSD file to your Google Assignment
DUE: Wednesday, 1/18 End of Block


Major Assignment #3: "NEWNIMAL" - CREATE a NEW CREATURE 

(Major Grade)

When complete:

  1. Post JPEG & PSD file to Google Classroom Assignment
  2. Post the 3 animals you used (original photos that you downloaded) in Google Classroom Assignment
  3. -5 pts every day that it is late

You will create a NEW animal-creature-beast-being!!  You will use your mad Photoshop  skills to combine 3 or more animal photos as seamlessly as possible using the following tools and techniques:

-Selection tools
-Scale, rotate, distort
-Color Adjustments

Find your FOUR animal photos and open in Photoshop (you should have a separate window for each).
  1. Create a File>New Photoshop document that is 8.5x11 inches.
  2. Cut and Paste body parts!  Using your Selection Tools (Quick Selection, Lasso, Quick Mask), select the features you want from each photo and then using the Move Tool, drag that body part into your New Document.
  3. Each body part will have a separate layer.  Match your body parts together...Edit>Transform and choose Scale, Rotate, Distort, Flip, etc.
  4. Adjust the colors of your Newnimal to create a seamless look.  Color>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation or Color>Adjustments>Color Balance.
  5. Blend the body parts:  Use the Eraser Tool, Blur Tool, Smudge Tool, Clone Stamp Tool to “blend”
  6. Once you are happy with how your creature fits together, select all the body part layers and Merge Layers (right click).  
  7. Now, apply a Filter (or several) over the entire Newimal—don’t abstract it though.  (Filter>Filter Gallery)
  8. Decide on your Newimal’s natural habitat and drag that photo into your document.  Scale it to fit into the background and drag this layer to the bottom, so that your newimal sits on top.  Apply a filter to the background as well.
  9. Finishing touches:  add your newimals shadow (burn and dodge tools), change the colors of your background, etc.
You will be evaluated on: 
  • Matching of body parts (Selection tools, Scale, Rotate, Flip, Distort)
  • Matching of colors (Hue/Saturation, Color Balance)
  • Blending Techniques (Eraser, Blur, Smudge, Clone Stamp…including various opacities and settings)
  • Creativity/Originality

Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal to get the mirror image of a photo or part of a photo.

Use the smudge tool to create “movement” in your art, make a photo look more “painterly” or blend areas of photos together.  Use blur tool to make images more hazy and less defined.

The clone stamp tool allows you to duplicate part of an image.  This can be used to cover up parts of the original image.    

The Dodge tool and the Burn tool lighten or darken areas of the image. These tools are based on a traditional darkroom technique for regulating exposure on specific areas of a print. Photographers hold back light to lighten an area on the print (dodging) or increase the exposure to darken areas on a print (burning).


Major Assignment #2: "Elf on the Shelf Yourself"

  • Create a new file in photoshop
    • US Letter, 8.5 x 11, 300 dpi
  • Take a selfie of yourself making the the ELF face - eyes looking to one side, little smile, no teeth
  • Upload to Google Drive and download to your desktop
  • Download a high res image of a ELF on the SHELF - you can your Google Images (Tools - Size - Large)
      • I also recommend:
        • Pinterest
    • Copy your Elf image into your new document 
    • Open your selfie and isolate your face, keep some of your hair and perhaps your ears, use your best judgment.
    • Carefully clean up your isolated head using selection tools, feathering, smudging, healing brush 
      • you can enlarge, lighten, change your eye color. 
      • Smooth your face - make it doll-like
      • add some rosy cheeks
    • Copy your head into your new file and place layer above Elf layer
    • You will probably need to make a duplicate ELF layer and isolate the hat
    • Move hat layer above your face layer - adjust
    • Your final piece must be hi-res, it must be your face
    • Save as PSD file and save as JPEG, PSD file goes in Major Assignments in Google Drive, Post JPEG to Google Assignment and update your blog
    • Criteria:
      • Smooth edges on face
      • photo should look realistic
      • lighting should be realistic
      • Creativity
      • Use of PS tools to create a clean professional final piece


MAJOR Assignment #1: Digital Mosaic Tiles

Mosaics are traditionally made up of broken/cut ceramic pieces (tiles) that are placed close together to create a larger picture. These tiles are held together with a cement-like paste, called grout. Your assignment is to create a digital “mosaic” by using the following Elements of Design and tools in Adobe Illustrator:
  • Line
  • Shape (Geometric and Organic)
  • Color Theory (monochromatic, achromatic, complimentary (O/B, Y/P, R/G), warm, cool)
  • Shape tools
  • Direct selection tool
  • Pen tools
  • Solid color fill

Step 1. Create a sketch of your image. You may use images online for inspiration, but the sketch should be your own. Your composition should follow the Rule of Thirds.

2. Take a photo of it with your phone and upload it to your google drive. Remember to turn-off live images before taking the photo. You can also google image search and image you would like to use for this assignment.

3. Create an 8.5 x 11” document in Adobe Illustrator.

4. File > Place this image in Adobe Illustrator.

5. Resize the image to fit across your whole page, whether that is landscape or portrait. While still selecting the image, change your opacity to 30% and then lock your layer. This will be your template.

6. Create a new layer to build your tiles on.

7. Using the pen and shape tool, you will create small tiles that fit together to make up the larger image. You must include both geometric and organic shapes!

8. Using the Color Tools, you will create your own unique color palette that follows a Color Theory. These will be the colors used for the tiles in your mosaic.

9. After you are done building all of your tiles, create another layer underneath your tile layer(s). This will be your background color. Using the shape tool, create a rectangle that will cover the whole page. Fill it with a color that fits into your Color Theory.

You will be graded on:
  • Creativity and effort of your sketch
  • Use of the Illustrator tools (pen, shape, color swatches and overall directions on this sheet)
  • Use of the Elements of Design (line, geometric shape, organic shape, Color Theory)
  • Creativity and Craftsmanship (are your “grout” lines uniform, how creative and successful is your finished design)
  • Use of class time, effort, challenge
DUE: End of block Weds 9/21 - MAJOR GRADE

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