Final Exam - Practical

Final Exam Practical Assignment: Magazine Cover

Proper English and spelling only – no slang
All items on this assignment must be school appropriate.
Rubric - 100 Points Possible
FINAL PSD Files (layered) must be uploaded to Google Assignment for credit
DO NOT USE APPS online to try and complete this - I will be carefully reviewing your photoshop files.


  1. Magazine cover will only be one page
  2. Select a theme for the magazine (about yourself can be sports, music, food, hobbies, celebrity gossip, etc.)
    • Can be created or a picture scanned or from the internet
  3. Must have a title (something related to the theme)
  4. Must have a 
    1. barcode (can be downloaded from internet)
    2. cost of issue
    3. issue number
    4. volume number
  5. Must include two graphics of yourself
    1. A large graphic to be used as part of the background
    2. A smaller graphic to be included on the side as part of a heading
  6. Must include an additional graphic as part of a heading to use as an article teaser
    1. Will be a graphic without a background
  7. Must have at least four headings for articles
    1. Easy to read, and appropriate sizes
    2. Use initial caps, NO all caps (exception is the title)
    3. These will be different sizes, fonts, colors (does not have to be)
    4. Can apply text effects too
    5. Consider putting a by-line under one of the headings (who wrote the story)
  8. Must use filters (consider a spotlight or lens flare on the main picture)
  9. Think about using a shadow of yourself (if appropriate) or a slight outer glow

Directions and Details:

  1. Create a new document. 
    • Size 8 x 10.5 inches with a resolution of 300 
    • White background. 
  2. Save the magazine cover as Magazine_Cover_Yourname.
  3. Find magazine examples on the internet and look at how they are set up.
  4. Choose a one-word title that depicts your life or personality.
    • for example: Fun, Elite, Best, Great, Yah, Hunting, Sports, Basketball
    • Be positive
  5. Begin to think of articles that you would include in your magazine about issues that concern you, personal goals and ambitions, or just ordinary things in life that are important to you right now.
  6. Find your background that fits with your theme (Google images - use Tools - Size-Large). Select all and bring into your new document and adjust to fit.
  7. Once your background has been inserted with your large graphic of yourself, make sure to use some filter effects – try the spotlight or lens flare. 
  8. Consider putting a shadow of yourself if appropriate (drop shadow with a large space difference would work).
  9. Add your title. It should be fairly large and in an appropriate, easy to read font and color. Make sure it all fits in your theme.
  10. Finish designing your background (any side bars, shapes, etc.) before proceeding.
  11. Insert the issue date and volume number.
  12. Insert the barcode and issue price.
  13. Find your article teaser (image/internet) and adjust or select as necessary. It must be the item only with no background. You may have to use one of the selection tools (magic wand, magnetic lasso, etc.) to delete it from the background. 
  14. Make sure to save it as a PSD file.
  15. Start creating your headings. Remember that not all headings will be the same size or font. Be careful that they are not too big or hard to read. Don’t go too overboard with colors. Don’t forget you can rotate text and add text effects.
  16. Main headline should be about you. Add the small picture of yourself to this heading.
  17. Add the article teaser to one of the headings.
  18. Add the by-line to one of the headings.
  19. Use your imagination and creativity. It MUST look like a magazine cover. We will hang them in the hall for everyone to see.
  20. Photoshop layered file (PSD) and JPEG to your Google Classroom Assignment.
  21. THIS IS 50% of your final exam grade!

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